Country ranking Per club
This website will no longer be updated. Maintaining is too much work for me. The last update was May 13, 2024. The website will remain available for the foreseeable future.

Country coefficient ranking

The UEFA ranking of a country decides how many European places they are going to get and how far into the competitions their clubs will enter.

Country coefficients are also known as "association club coefficients".

Decisive for club deployment in 2024/25
#Sorting arrows Country Points 23/24 Sorting arrows 22/23 Sorting arrows 21/22 Sorting arrows 20/21 Sorting arrows 19/20 Sorting arrows Clubs

Ranking of clubs based on scored country coefficient points for their country:

#Sorting arrows Club Sorting arrows CountrySorting arrows Points NA %Sorting arrows 23/24Sorting arrows 22/23Sorting arrows 21/22Sorting arrows 20/21Sorting arrows 19/20Sorting arrows

Clubs with a blue background color are still in competition. Clubs with a green background color are from active countries.

Check out your club's prize money

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